Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm definitely feeling that, today. It's not too often I feel bored, but when I do, it's not a good thing. What do I usually do when I'm bored? I think I eat. LOL I haven't really eaten, today, but I can't seem to settle in and really accomplish anything, either.

Carol got off work at 11:00AM on Friday, she picked me up around 11:30AM and we went to get a few groceries and have lunch and we were home in two hours.....that was the last time we left the house! Now, I understand that Carol works and I'm no longer able to, so time home is always important, but holy jeez! With Carol, it's all or nothing....we're either busy and doing something every minute or we're house-bound and it seems the times we are house-bound, I'd like to go out and do a little something. I think Carol associates 'going out', meaning we have to spend money, something we never seem to have enough of, but that isn't the case. I think we could go out and wander in a store or take a ride and not have to spend money.

While it's true, I have been having a lot of pain with my hips and legs, this weekend, had she suggested at any time that we get out of the house, I'd have sucked it up and gone, willingly. Maybe Friday's moodiness turned her off about doing anything with me for the remainder of the weekend, but I think it's more with her not wanting to spend any money. Tomorrow, she heads back to work, so I know I'll be in the house all day....yay.

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