Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting Older......

OK, getting older is something none of us ever think will happen to 'us', but it does.  Don't get me wrong, most of the time I feel like I'm 18, although many folks that know me, will tell you, I barely act as if I'm 10!  I truly can't believe I'm in my 40s.....I mean, I don't want to be this old, but it happened.  Now, some of the signs that I'm getting older absolutely terrify me and manage to repulse me at the same time.  Signs that you're getting older?

01) Professionals all seem MUCH younger than you.  Dr's, dentists, nurses, they all look so young!

02) You suddenly sprout hair in places you don't think you should!

03) Your parents start acting much older than you think they should!

04) Nieces and nephews are suddenly teenagers!

05) You find yourself making up excuses to stay up, rather than why you're not going to bed!

06) Parts of your body begin to hurt that you didn't even realize you had!

07) 25 years ago, you were almost out of your teens! 

08) You do all your running around in daylight, as you can't see as well at night!

09) Nothing you do shocks anyone!

10) You can't believe your age and your parents are shocked they have a kid this old!

I doubt I'll ever fully mature, which I'm kind of happy about.  I think I'm fun to be around, but it does amaze me that I'm not one of the 'kids', anymore.  Hells Bells, I have cousins younger than me that are, that's scary!

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