Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Can Someone.....

So smart, be so dumb? Why is it this one person in my life, could have so much going for them and yet, they continually choose the wrong path in life? I love this person so much and I sit here wanting to cry, because I know they are hurting so much and they just can't seem to get their life on track and be happy.

This afternoon and early evening, we've been worried they might do something out of a total sense of loss and something so permanent that nobody could help them, again. I'd give anything if this person could find some peace and happiness, before it's too late. They feel unloved and that has to be a horrible feeling. No amount of talking, reassuring and pleading seems to make them happy or comfortable with the love their family feels for them.

How can I relax and sleep, knowing the pain this person is feeling inside? How can I crack a smile or laugh, knowing this person wants to cry and feels so alone? How can you get through to someone that you have loved since the first day they came into your life, that you want nothing but happiness for them?

I don't think my family deserves the worry and stress that all this causes, but at the same time, I feel so helpless in making this person see how important they are to us. When your words of encouragement and love fall on deaf ears, it can be so maddening and yet so sad. If only I could make this person see how much I love them and how important they are to my life, but I also think they feel let down and disappointed by the people that do love them so much.

I wish I could hug them and get through that I love them and need them in my life...we all do, but I feel that nothing I say or do will ever convince this person that they special. They do have something to offer and they would be missed. I can't even begin to imagine the emptiness that this person leaving us would leave in my life. I love you, M........

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