Monday, March 9, 2009

Reality TV Has Nothing On My Family!

My God!  I swear, reality TV could probably take lessons from my family and still walk away in shock.  Me, I just want to live peacefully, where everybody can get along and there's no major drama waiting to pounce, each day.  I'm beginning to think I must want to live in some kind of fantasy world, though!

Since Wednesday of last week, it's been a hold-your-breath and pray you don't get a horrible phone call that someone we all love has harmed himself.  Mom swears up and down, she asked me something yesterday and I swear I don't remember the conversation, so now she's telling me I must have been sleepy!  We got a phone call, this morning and now we're supposed to house all the crap that nobody else wants at their house.....Dad's been a wreck about trying to secure loans for this person and it just can't be done, so he's upset to be put in that position and I'm upset because I ALWAYS have to be the go-between, it seems.  

You know the sad part of all this?  The person driving us all insane and worrying us to death, will probably live to be 100 and we'll all keel over in a few years from stress!  We worry and fret and stress about him and he goes merrily along, driving us all crazy and he never worries until it means he might end up behind bars.  That's when he panics!

Honestly, don't waste your time on reality TV...pull a chair up and watch my life for about a week!  You'll see it all....anger, tears, laughter, threats, slap-stick comedy, high want it, we'll more than likely deliver!

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