Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Living With More Than One Adult......

Don't get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY grateful to live in the home I do. Two years ago, Carol and I saw a sudden increase of $100 per month for rent. Dad was living in an apartment that was being sold and he decided he wanted something more permanent and something for us, so we wouldn't see a yearly increase in rent. He purchased this house and offered to let us move in and split the cost of living here, down the middle. I love the house, the location and for the first time in my adult life, what I pay for rent/expenses is actually going towards something we will own, so that feels good.

The only fly in the ointment is, I have lived on my own since I was 21. Carol moved in with me, when I was 33 and we moved in with dad when I was 42, so I pretty much was the queen of my own castle for 21 years. It was an adjustment when Carol and I moved in together and it's been an even bigger adjustment moving in with Dad. Carol and I are very set in our ways, as is Dad. I can't say we've had any blow-ups and screaming or yelling about anything, but there has been a few tense moments. I tend to nag Carol to death about the little things she does that annoy me....she kind of lets things fall where she drops them and while she will eventually pick things up, I don't like things on the floor or stacked on tables or anything cluttered looking. Dad likes to keep a coffee mug, large drinking glass and small drinking glass on the counter, by the sink, at all times! If he makes a sammie, he puts the knife on a wadded up paper towel and it will sit there all day. Now, I'm not in any way saying I'm a dream to live with, but I can live with my faults, it's everyone else's faults that drive me insane. LOL

I think I'm far too anal or have OCD and can't let things go......while I can nag at Carol, it's out of the question to nag at Dad. Maybe it's because in spite of my age, I still feel he is my Dad and he deserves a certain amount of respect. Maybe it's the fact that I didn't live with my Dad from the age of 12 on and I'm still feeling like a child around him, I don't know. My Dad is funny, he has me laughing every day, he's trying and I mean he is really trying to make this situation work, so I give him all kinds of credit, there. Carol is less forgiving about things and she is always pissed about soemthing it seems, but as I told her, I feel she and her brothers have always been able to 'bully' their Mom and she will do anything they say. My Dad has NEVER been like that and at 70 years of age, I don't see that ever changing.

Dad and my youngest brother leave for the state wrestling tournament, tomorrow. They'll return home on Sunday morning, so that will give Carol and me a few days of the house to ourselves, which we are both looking forward to. I believe I've talked Carol into making us a very nice meal, tomorrow night and I have a few projects I'd like to get done while Dad is gone. Nothing I can't do when he's home, but sometimes, cleaning is easier when you don't have someone hanging about. I'm thinking I'm going to take all the curtains down and wash/hang them all and I also have a few small projects I'd like to do over the next few days.

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