Tuesday, March 31, 2009


OK, I admit it, among all my other 'holics'......diet Pepsi-holic, DVD-holic, Christmas-holic, etc...etc....etc., I am also a HUGE snack-holic.  Being diabetic, I should be very careful about my snacks, but I'm not as careful as I should be and I'll be the first to admit it.  

It just seems when you're diabetic, there is very few things that seem to fall into the 'safe list' of foods to eat.  I mean, M&Ms are a no-no, Snickers Bars are a no-no, brownies are a no-no!  Those, I can understand, but it would seem too much milk is a no-no!  Now, I'm not a fan of milk, in all honesty, if it didn't come in a chocolate flavor, the ONLY time I really 'drink' milk is on my cereal.  Hells Bells, too much fruit can even jack sugar levels up.  Sheesh, if you can't eat healthy things and be safe, how can you keep from scarfing down candy, chocolate, cereal, oranges and anything else you can find while digging in the cupboards, fridge or freezer?!

There was a time I'd convinced myself that Cheerios was a health food, but I can only eat so many handfuls of dry cereal!  I know the secret to anything is moderation, but I, again, freely admit, 'moderation' really isn't part of my vocabulary.  I don't care if it comes to diet Pepsi, food or DVDs, I just don't know the meaning of.....M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N!  

I don't really get this need for snacking, either.  When I was a kid, we never had much in the way of snack food.  Hell, Jiffy Pop Pocorn was a HUGE treat, when I was a kid!  I don't think Mom and Dad were into snacking that much and so we never really had anything around to snack on.  Dad's idea of snacking, when I was a kid was one of two things.....cheeses of various kinds and he'd put peanut butter on slices of bread that he put all the way up one arm to take into the living room with a large glass of milk.  

I have a horrible habit of wanting to snack on something if I'm watching TV or a DVD.  I know I'm associating the enjoyment of TV/Films with food, which they say is a BIG no-no, but I can't stop myself.  Before my TV show starts or a start a DVD, I have to make sure I have an ice-cold diet Pepsi sitting next to me and something to munch on.  The sad thing is, we still never seem to have much to snack on!  You'd be amazed what I consider a snack, some days!  The old standby of sliced bread with peanut butter is still a favorite as is.....cereal, cheese and any kind of nuts we might have in the house.  


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