Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day....2009

Here we are, just a couple of days before what's supposed to be, the most romantic day of the year. Me, I think every day is romantic, if you're with someone you really love and enjoy being with, but that's me. My biggest problem with Valentine's Day is......trying to gift that someone special with something that isn't the 'norm' for this kind of special day. I mean, c'mon, flowers can be done to death and don't take a whole lot of thought, candy isn't always an option, especially if someone is diabetic or trying to lose weight and for me, giving some obvious likes of that special person, also seems too easy and kind of a cop-out.

I'm the exact opposite. I tend to bore people to tears with the things I love asking for or receiving. I've mentioned before that I love, adore and lust after DVDs and so, if I get one or two DVDs on ANY special occasion, I think I've died and gone to Heaven. Oh, I like the occasional surprise, too....dinner out, seeing a film at the theatre, quiet, romantic moments, but something as simple as a DVD or a certain book or magazine can brighten my day just as easily.

In saying that, I must ask, am I boring? Do I settle too easily? Do I tend to make family and friends smack me upside my head with my weird taste in things? Does my family secretly worry about me and my enjoyment of certain films? Do they tend to hold their children just a bit tighter, when they see me all excited about some off-the-wall film? I gave my Dad a small list of films I have on DVD, that I thought he might enjoy on those nights where TV offers nothing and what was his first question on one title? 'This isn't one of your horror films, is it?!' I wasn't really offended, but I had to stop and that all people see in taste for weird films?

OK, I have gotten way off track, here. We were talking about Valentine's Day....I'm thinking a simple, 'I love you' and a card wouldn't go over very well, so in the short time till the actual day, I have a lot of decisions to make! Tune in and we'll see how this Valentine's Day goes!

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