Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All Bloated Up Like A Hoppy-Toad....Thanks, Skeet!

Good God! Thanks to my babiest brother, I am as stuffed as stuffed can be! Skeet's been bragging up this place in Athens for ages and it's finally opened into a second location a wee bit closer to us, so he, Mom and I stopped in, this afternoon, for lunch.

We never do things in a small way, oh no.....let's see, we had a slice of pizza, each, then we all had a half a sub AND fries! My God, it's a miracle I was able to walk out of the place! Good? Most definitely, but I am so stuffed, I hurt! Now, I certainly am old enough to know better and you'd think I'd be smart enough to know better, but nope......when it comes to food, I behave like every meal could be my last! I mean, as soon as my eyes open in the morning, it's like an all you can eat, buffet! I don't think I stop chewing and swallowing until my eyes close at night.

Thanks, Skeet, it was a GREAT lunch, but next time, could you do me a favor and put a muzzle on me, so I won't eat like I'm trying to win some kind of eating contest?!

I love spending time with my babiest brother, because he makes me laugh so much and in the short time I spent with him, today, I was laughing and forgetting all about the aches and pains that drive me almost insane. You're a great brother, Skeet, hope you always know that.

I tried to get Skeet or Mom to buy me some DVDs, but neither seemed too responsive to that.....I can't imagine why, I mean, Skeet had just bought us this HUGE, amazing lunch, must have spent an arm and a leg on that and then I was still looking for more freebies! Just joshing, but man, I do so love my DVDs. I may seriously need help with my DVD and diet Pepsi addictions, I honestly go into a panic, when I think my diet Pepsi supply is getting low. This is a big shout to anyone with extra cash laying Pepsi stock, I'll keep you rolling in the money!

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