Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cooling It, Today........

It's been a rough week. Losing my Uncle was tough for my family, I can't imagine how my Aunt and cousins are handling, today. Friday was the viewings and yesterday the funeral. I thought the military grave-side services were beautiful and the meal afterwards was very nice.

Today, I've accomplished absolutely nothing. I've bathed, but never even got out of my PJ's, I even napped for a bit, this afternoon. Had big plans to watch some DVDs, but usually when I plan a day like that, it doesn't always go as planned. No complaints, though. It was quiet and peaceful and relaxing.

I've been drinking diet Pepsi like it's water, though. Man, I've gone through a lot of cans of that and yesterday, I drank anything that was sitting near me. I know my sugar levels are sky-high, which doesn't help, but I've not really eaten much of anything, today, just because I'm so damn thirsty.

The next couple of days are going to be busy, so glad today was a quiet day. Tomorrow we have to run to Dickson City in the morning and then Tuesday, Carol has an appointment at the Packer, in Sayre. Her two days off this week will be busy.

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