Friday, February 13, 2009


In spite of no longer being able to work, Friday still is my favorite day of the week. I'm not exactly sure why, as when I was still able to work, we worked nearly ever Saturday and had a lot of Sunday work, too! Still, there's just something about a Friday that makes me all happy and smiles.

I've discovered that while there are many things that make me all happy and smiles, the biggest thing other than loved ones and friends is still those damn DVDs! I think it's a true addiction.......thank God these things are legal or I'd be out trying to score a DVD or two to support this habit! The sad thing is, I don't get DVDs like I used to, in spite of my 'need' for them. DVDs and diet Pepsi are indeed, my drugs of choice.

You know it's bad when you are told you have a better selection of DVDs than most rental places or your nieces and nephews beg you to 'chug' a diet Pepsi. Actually, it's almost embarrassing.....almost. Sure, there are a lot worse things I could find myself addicted to, but when you're poor, any addiction is tough.

I remember before I was diagnosed with diabetes and I loved regular Pepsi, several members of my family would get on me that I should drink diet Pepsi. Now I drink diet Pepsi and those same family members are telling me I drink too much of that! C'mon, now.....I don't drink alcohol and I don't smoke, let me have a little fun and indulgence, people!

As for my DVDs, I admit, I have such an extreme taste in films and TV, it almost scares me. I can sit and watch some graphic, gory horror film one minute and the next, I'm watching some children's TV show. Some of my friends like to call me out on some of my titles, too.....CB and I were having a Pampered Chef party at the apartment, one afternoon and we had a rack of DVDs in the living room. Everyone was chatting along and having a nice time, when someone had to bring to the attention of everybody in the apartment that there was a DVD with the title, 'Killer Condom' and that the DVD HAD to belong to me. Now, this wasn't some horror film, really nor was it a porno, just a goofy horror-parody, really, but try explaining that to a room full of women over the age of 50! that....a diet Pepsi calling to me and a DVD.........?

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