Monday, February 23, 2009

My Addicitions.....

I've mentioned this, before. My two addicitons are to diet Pepsi and DVDs. While I don't buy either one every day of the week, I probably get a 24-pack of diet Pepsi a couple times a week and a DVD, maybe every couple of weeks, but the urge and need for both is at me all the time.

I mean, when I'm on the computer, what am I doing? Looking up DVDs, adding DVDs to my wish list(s) and always wishing for more and more and more! Now, this wouldn't be a big deal, IF I was still able to work and making money each and every week, but that isn't the case. I mean, which of the seven deadly sins can I say I have with this love of DVDs and diet Pepsi.....greed or lust?! Probably a wee bit of both!

Now, I was actually out, today and was in three stores that carry DVDs and I didn't come out of any of the stores with a single DVD, but it wasn't because I didn't want to! Finances are always part of the game, but I was also trying to force myself to deny myself of a DVD or two or ten. However, I wasn't as good as I'd hoped.....I came home, jumped online and pre-ordered a DVD.

I have to admit, of the 2521 DVDs we have in the house, almost 2100 are mine, but I ask for DVDs for Christmas, birthday and any other gift-giving occasion, so a good number of my DVDs have been given to me as gifts. I've traded other DVD titles for these, purchased several used and found some great deals on others, so it's not as bad as it it? God, maybe I do need serious help, here! Add that total to my diet Pepsi consumption and perhaps I am a full blown addict. Sure, I may not take drugs or drink alcohol, but gee, is this as serious as one or both of those addictions?

I'm beginning to think that sharing my thoughts isn't so wise.....leaves me wondering about myself!

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