Sunday, February 8, 2009

Deep, Dark and Thoughtful......

Ha! You thought that the contents of this blog were going to be something deep and soul-searching, but that couldn't be further from the truth. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I use my brain cells nearly enough to keep them active and any thought process worth reading.

I wish I had something to say that really stopped people in their tracks and made them think.....the only thing I may be credited with is making people scratch their heads and wonder where the hell I came from and what I can possibly offer that might be worth listening to.

I tend to try and look on the bright side of life, but oh yes, I have my deep, dark spooky side, too. I figure life is way too serious and way too sad at times, so I try and see the humorous side of everything, often to the point I annoy those around me. I leave all the drama and hysterics to those members of my immediate family that seem to thrive on that and I just go through life with total ignorance about things happening around me and I feel better for that.

I cling tightly to my family and friends, for they truly do bring me happiness and yes, at times, I'd like to run away and leave no forwarding address, but in the end, they make me what and who I am and that's a terrifying thought in itself! I probably like my material objects way too much, too. My DVDs, Christmas decorations/ornaments, memorabilia and the like mean way more to me than they should, but most of the items have been given to me, so why not cherish them?

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