Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone enjoyed as good a day as I did.  We received an adorable voice-mail message from my youngest niece, I talked to both of my younger brothers and spent the afternoon with my Mom/Jim, niece, nephew, Aunt, Grandmother and about 100 cousins!  I exagerate a bit on the number of cousins, but I swear, I don't think I am too far off!  

We gathered for a very tasty meal, with everyone contributing a dish or two and if I can brag about anything, it's just how good of cooks my entire family is.  We laughed, we talked and we my way of thinking, it doesn't get a whole lot better than that.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday and if you celebrate Easter, I hope you were able to spend that with special people, like I did!

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