Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eve

Been a VERY busy day, today.  Carol and I headed to Dickson City, this morning, as I was out of diet Pepsi and when that happens, panic isn't too far off.  We went to Sam's Club and I got three 36-packs, but I know that won't last too long....I'll probably need a refill by next weekend!  Of course, I'm not the only person drinking the diet Pepsi, Dad helps, too.

Had our Easter dinner with Dad, tonight,  Carol baked the glazed, spiral-sliced ham, macaroni/cheese, peas and for dessert....chocolate pudding!  It was very good and very filling.  Tomorrow, we're spending the afternoon with Mom and family and while it will be fun, I can't help but feel Carol and I are intruding.  I know we'll be made to feel welcome, but still, Aunt Boob's family is large enough, I don't think they need us, there, too.

My headaches have been very bad the past few days and taking pain meds and OTC pills hasn't helped much at all.  Makes me feel mean and hateful, but with Carol being PMSy, she's got top honors for grumpiness, today!  LOL

Happy Easter Eve!

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