Friday, May 22, 2009


Been a while since I've updated anything, again, but no excuses, this time, just laziness or perhaps a bit of loss of interest.

Things are crazy around here, as usual.....well, not here, exactly, but within the family.  I'm so tired of drama and such, but refuse to let it bog me down, too much.  Being a holiday weekend, I'm hoping we grill out and maybe I get out to do some shopping.....maybe.

Still having a time finding reading glasses that allow me to read magazines and newspapers, but maybe I just need to have my right eye taken care of, so both eyes are on the same playing field.  I think we bought me fourth pair of reading glasses, today, but these cost just a buck, so I guess no huge loss, if they don't work out, but sooner or later, I have to be able to enjoy my magazines and such, again!

Weather has turned a bit too warm, for my liking, but at least the majority of folks around here are happy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lots of Changes!

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated anything, but time has a way of getting by before you know it.

Last week, I had cataract surgery on my left eye and what an amazing difference!  I have always been near-sighted and worn corrective lenses since about third grade, so when I had this surgery, I had the option of the kind of lens I wanted put in and I chose a lens that would correct my near-sightedness.  Now, in choosing that, it meant I'd have to use reading glasses of things up close, but I can't believe the detail in which I can see distances!  Of course, it's been a huge adjustment to not being able to see things up close, but hoping the reading glasses I picked up can help with that.

I go back to see my ophthamologist on 29 May and the optometrist told me, today, they'll probably set me up for my surgery on the right eye, that day.  Everything looked great, today, the optometrist told me the pressure on my retina was normal and all seems well.